5 Mentally Healthy Ways to Spend Valentine’s Day if You’re Single

Single, happy and thriving? Going through a break-up? Trying to find the right person? In dating limbo and not sure where you stand with someone? Ditch the pressure to couple up on February 14th and try doing one of these activities instead. Start a new journal, book or podcast Holidays, especially one focused on romantic […]
5 Tips for Your Online Therapy Sessions

1 – Find a private, quiet space for your online therapy session Whether you live alone or with other people, finding a private, quiet space is sometimes the hardest (but also the most important) part of having a successful online therapy session. This is because it’s difficult to be fully open or present if we […]
5 Questions to Ask Yourself When Faced With a Difficult Decision

Indecisiveness plagues all of us from time to time. Whether it’s a small decision like what to wear or what to eat for dinner or a big decision like where to move or which job to accept, we can become overwhelmed and even paralyzed by making a choice that impacts our future in any way. […]
6 Ways to Beat the Sunday Scaries

A lot of clients talk to us about the ‘Sunday Scaries’ – the anxiety & dread they feel about the upcoming work week, which is intensified in those who either aren’t happy in their career or who are feeling burned out. Both of these issues have become increasingly prominent throughout the pandemic. But what if […]
How to Stop Black-and-White Thinking

One of the most common symptoms people with anxiety or OCD experience is black-and-white thinking. But what is it, exactly? How can we identify it? Why do we do it? And, most importantly, how can we stop? Let’s break it down. What is black-and-white thinking? Black-and-white thinking is the tendency to view all situations in […]
7 Tips for Combating Seasonal Depression During a Pandemic

Whether it’s the colder/darker months, a bit of the post-holiday blues, a new variant of COVID-19 upon us (or honestly a little bit of all of the above), it’s understandable if your mood, energy and motivation levels are taking a hit right now. With so much uncertainty ahead and not much (literal) light at the […]
8 Self-Care Tips to Strengthen Your Mental & Emotional Health

There’s all this talk of “self-care” in the mental health community these days, but what does it actually consist of and look like and why is it so important? For starters, the emphasis on self-care has become increasingly present as a result of many people neglecting themselves due to the glorification of being busy and […]
6 People-Pleasing Behaviors We All Need to Stop

“You can lie down for people to walk on you and they will still complain that you’re not flat enough. Live your life.” At some point in our lives, we have all cared what someone else thought of us or did something with the intention of making another person happy – and there is nothing wrong […]
The 5 Fundamental Aspects of Self-Love & How to Actively Practice Each One

Self-love is a concept we hear a lot nowadays, but what does it really mean? What does it mean to ‘love yourself’ or to practice self-love? And why is it important? I asked you to tell me what self-love means to you & here are some of your responses: ———————————– “Fully accepting and being comfortable with […]
How, When & Why to Be More Assertive

Be more assertive: seems like a simple enough concept, right? But how do we do it without being aggressive or pushy? What happens if someone takes our assertiveness the wrong way? What if it changes our relationships? What if it makes us uncomfortable?And WHY is it so difficult for us to be direct, say no, […]