9 Monthly Self-Reflection Prompts

Too often we get caught up in going through the motions only to later realize that we’re dissatisfied or unfulfilled in one or more parts of our lives. The beginning of a new month can be a good benchmark to use to touch base, reflect and identify what parts of our lives are or aren’t […]

6 Ways to Beat the Sunday Scaries

A lot of clients talk to us about the ‘Sunday Scaries’ – the anxiety & dread they feel about the upcoming work week, which is intensified in those who either aren’t happy in their career or who are feeling burned out. Both of these issues have become increasingly prominent throughout the pandemic. But what if […]

8 Self-Care Tips to Strengthen Your Mental & Emotional Health

There’s all this talk of “self-care” in the mental health community these days, but what does it actually consist of and look like and why is it so important? For starters, the emphasis on self-care has become increasingly present as a result of many people neglecting themselves due to the glorification of being busy and […]

The 5 Fundamental Aspects of Self-Love & How to Actively Practice Each One

Self-love is a concept we hear a lot nowadays, but what does it really mean? What does it mean to ‘love yourself’ or to practice self-love? And why is it important? I asked you to tell me what self-love means to you & here are some of your responses: ———————————– “Fully accepting and being comfortable with […]

Finding Time for Self-Care in a Busy Schedule

Work, chores, errands, and a never-ending to-do list – sometimes it feels impossible to do it all. We run ourselves into the ground while trying to and rarely stop to take a breath. We pile things onto our plate when we have no room left on it because we feel like we can’t say no. We have […]