The 5 Fundamental Aspects of Self-Love & How to Actively Practice Each One

Self-love is a concept we hear a lot nowadays, but what does it really mean? What does it mean to ‘love yourself’ or to practice self-love? And why is it important? I asked you to tell me what self-love means to you & here are some of your responses: ———————————– “Fully accepting and being comfortable with […]

Why We Should Be in More Bad Moods

Ever feel like you can’t just ‘get over it’? Can’t snap out of your bad mood? Can’t force a smile? Can’t pretend everything’s fine? Good. That means you’re human. Society has made us believe that positive emotions are good and negative emotions are bad, thus making us feel even worse when we experience even a […]

Finding Time for Self-Care in a Busy Schedule

Work, chores, errands, and a never-ending to-do list – sometimes it feels impossible to do it all. We run ourselves into the ground while trying to and rarely stop to take a breath. We pile things onto our plate when we have no room left on it because we feel like we can’t say no. We have […]

Using Anxiety to Better Understand Ourselves

Let’s face it: the symptoms of anxiety are uncomfortable. Tightness in the chest, shortness of breath, shaky hands, sweaty palms, obsessive thoughts, and sometimes even worse. Those symptoms don’t appeal to most of us. But what if I told you that anxiety plays an important and even crucial role in our lives? What if I told […]